產品介紹∣C300 校正器軟體
C300 校正器軟體


Calpro 300

用於控制 C300 校準器和電力工業設備自動測試的 PC 軟體。

  • 使用現代概念,允許操作員創建自己的測試程序-這非常重要,因為無需更改完整軟體即可輕鬆實現新一代儀表的新要求
  • 自動化模式-直接自動執行完整的測試程序,除非在測試程序中沒有定義否則不需要操作員進行額外的處理。
  • 手動模式-直接執行單個測試步驟。它為測試和評估被測設備的整個規格提供了理想的解決方案,而無需生成完整的測試程序
  • 電腦數據庫包括客戶、設備、測量程序以及結果版本、圖表、結果表和報告
  • 傳統手動設置輸出訊號的所有參數值。

Calpro 300 PQ電能品質PC軟體​ 版本可生成正弦和非正弦電壓和電流,對於具有以下功能的測試儀錶、記錄儀和電能品質分析儀,數值會隨著時間變化:

  • 產生電壓和電流的慢速斜坡,數值隨時間變化相對較慢
  • 產生電壓和電流的快速斜坡,數值隨時間變化相對較快
  • using a modern concept, which allows the operator to create own test procedures - this is very important because new requirements for new meter generations can be realized easily without changing the complete software
  • the automated mode - direct execution of the complete test procedure automatically and requires no more additional handling by operator unless it will not be defined in the test procedure
  • the manual mode - direct execution of single test step. It offers an ideal solution for tests and evaluation of entire specifications for devices under test without generating the complete test procedure
  • computer database of customers, devices, measurement procedures as well as edition of results, diagrams, tables of results and reports
  • traditional manual settings the value of all parameters of output signals.

Calpro 300 PQ Power Quality PC software version enables generating sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal voltage and current, which value is changed in time for testing meters, recorders and power quality analyzers with the following functions:

  • Slow Ramp for generate voltage and current which value is changed relative slow to the time
  • Fast Ramp for generate voltage and current which value is changed relative fast to the time