Protective conductor, insulation, high voltage, leakage current and function tester
With the GLP2-BASIC multi-tester you can test a wide variety of electrical products according to the latest state of the art. With a large selection of instrument variants we offer you solutions for the most diverse testing tasks and requirements.
The new standard!
All kinds of electronic products may be inspected according to the latest state-of-the-art single- and multitester GLP2-Basic. To solve a variety of different test taks and to meet your individual requirements, you can choose from over 45 different GLP2-BASIC models.
Thanks to the intelligent features, the tester covers all application fields in today´s safety- and functional test technology. It is ideally suited for production, laboratory, test field, quality management, automation and more.
The variety of features, e.g. to create your own test sequences, to enter your own data as serial number, result storage, freely configurable label print out, barcode function and many more leave nothing to be desired.
With regard to cost savings and environmental awareness, for many companies the increase of energy efficiency is an essential goal to be pursued. In energy-intensive sectors like the production, SCHLEICH supports you with sustainable and eco-friendly technology. For “clean” results”!
To offer perfect experience our engineers integrate only the latest technology in our testers. That is why SCHLEICH, as leading innovator, was the first manufacturer in the market who installed user-friendly touch screens in the testers.
Ergonomically-optimized workplaces may increase performance to a large extent. To optimize the individual workplace, SCHLEICH entirely revolutionized the housing concept.
Whether sitting or standing, small or tall person- the ergonomic housing design sets new standards for fatigue-free work. Thus, looking at the display, entering data as well as connecting the test object at the test socket is always perfectly-suitable for the operator.
Enormous flexibility and fast technology, combined in ergonomic design – SCHLEICH offers safety- and functional test technology which inspires!
Test bench – Repair station- Laboratory | Manual inspection
The GLP2-BASIC tester is immediately ready to perform your measurements. By means of the unique manual mode, all integrated test methods may directly be applied. There is no need to generate a test sequence in advance! You only select the requested test method and start the test.
Similar to a multimeter, the test results are displayed on the tester´s screen. Thus, the detailed evaluation of your test object is immediately possible.
Even long-term analyses, with a duration of several hours, days or even weeks may be run in this operating mode.
Production| Semi-automatic inspection
Typical tests in production are either performed manually with test proces and/ or fully-automatic. Thanks to the convenient user guidance the GLP2-Basic tester offers perfect testing conditions for these applications.
For the inspection of different test objects you can save an almost unlimited number of test sequences in the GLP2-Basic tester which can be opened and started by using the touch display, keyboard or barcode. If requested, the tester generates a label directly after the end of a test.
Furthermore a great number of order data may be entered, which can be printed on the SCHLEICH-standard test report in addition to the test results.
Serial production| Fully-automatic inspection
The GLP2-BASIC may be easily integrated in your production line. The tester´s dimensions are based on a 19″-housing, which means that it perfectly fits in your plant. Additional, flexible interfaces allow an entire remote control. A connection to a master PC or a PLC may easily be established.
For the inspection of different kinds of test objects you can save a great number of test sequences, which can be opened and started by the interface before the test is started.
All test results are retrievable by means of the interface and may be saved by the master PC in a central database. Furthermore it is possible to save the test resutls locally on the tester or directly in the computer network.
For even more flexibility we also recommend the GLP2-ce-MODULAR tester. Both tester classes have successfully been integrated in our system solutions.
Automation and Interfaces.
Benefits of measurement technology at a glance.
Measuring technology
PE/ Ground AC
Insulation DC
High-voltage AC
High-voltage DC
Function 5 A
Leakage current, nominal current 5 A
Function 16 A
Equivalent leakage current, nominal current 16 A
⇒ More details available under Download.