

Oxford: AZtecOne with XploreCompact ∣ Bruker: QUANTAX Compact

AZtecOne 系統結合了簡單易用、功能強大的 AZtecOne 軟體和 30mm2 XploreCompact EDS 探測器,提供了久經考驗的穩定性和準確性。

QUANTAX Compact 是一種模組化 EDS 系統,用於工業、研究和教育領域的定性和定量微量分析。


帶有 XploreCompact 的 AZtecOne

AZtecOne 系統結合了簡單易用、功能強大的 AZtecOne 軟體和 30mm2 XploreCompact EDS 探測器,提供了久經考驗的穩定性和準確性。
包括所有必要的工具,幫助您快速分析樣品並確定其特徵,讓您信心十足、輕鬆自如。 獨特的 Tru-Q 技術可確保自動識別和量化元素,使精確度達到新的水平。

QUANTAX Compact 能量色散X-射線光譜

QUANTAX Compact 是一種模組化 EDS 系統,用於工業、研究和教育領域的定性和定量微量分析。


AZtecOne with XploreCompact

The AZtecOne system combines the simple-to-use yet powerful AZtecOne software and the proven stability and accuracy of 30mm2 XploreCompact EDS Detector. 
Includes all the tools required to help you quickly analyse and characterise your sample with confidence and ease. Unique Tru-Q technology ensures that elements are automatically identified and quantified to new levels of accuracy.

Energy Dispersive X- ray Spectrometer QUANTAX Compact

QUANTAX Compact is a modular EDS system for qualitative and quantitative microanalysis in industry, research and education.
The system’s standardless quantification software enables manual, automatic or interactive spectra evaluation and provides reliable results for specimens with polished or rough surfaces, thin layers and particles.
